Become a member!

A small group of enthusiastic gardeners got together in 1989, and decided to make the suburb of Adamstown a little greener. The act of propagating and planting trees was greater than the sum of its parts – and Trees In Newcastle was formed. We have since collected seed, propagated and planted thousands (and thousands) of local, native species. This could not have been possible without our members, volunteers and supporters.

We are now a proud community organisation, working throughout the Hunter region and with locals wherever we go. By becoming a member of Trees In Newcastle, you have the opportunity to help shape our future. We may have begun by planting in a Newcastle suburb, but where we end up will be influenced by our members.

Members are entitled to 2 free plants a year. We need and value your support so that we can continue our work in revitalising the landscape of our area.

Members of Trees In Newcastle can:

  • Participate in hands-on activities including seed collection, plant propagation, tree planting and community education projects.
  • Volunteer at Trees in Newcastle Nursery
  • Access free information and advice on growing native plants and selecting the appropriate species for your site.
  •  Join the Board or be involved in forums and Annual General Meetings. To be a successful Board, we need people with skills in community engagement, fundraising, finance and account keeping, marketing, law, grant writing, building, electrical, plumbing – you name it, we need it!

Join Today

To join Trees in Newcastle please complete our Membership Form

Membership payments can be paid online or deposited into Trees In Newcastle Bank account:

Trees In Newcastle
BSB: 650000
ACC: 954285318

  • Valid 1 November 2023– 1 November 2024

    Trees In Newcastle is an incorporated not-for-profit community organisation with an environmental focus. By becoming a member, you agree to support our mission and objectives.

    Our Mission

    To protect and enhance local native vegetation and support people with a passion for plants through local provenance plant supply, revegetation, bush regeneration, education, volunteer engagement and partnerships.

    Our Objectives

    Trees In Newcastle’s objectives are to

    1. Plant, regenerate, conserve, maintain and protect local native plants.
    2. Encourage Governments, businesses, community groups and individuals towards objective (a).
    3. Raise awareness within the community of the importance of objective (a).
    4. Operate by the principles of cooperation and consideration for all others and the environment and;
    5. Remain independent – with a non-political focus, TIN has no alliance with any particular party or faction.

    Please complete the form below

  • Agrees to support the mission and objectives of Trees In Newcastle and applies to become a member of Trees In Newcastle Inc

  • Payment

  • $ 20.00
  • Privacy Statement - We collect personal details to share information and manage your participation in Trees In Newcastle activities. Supply of your personal details is required for membership but voluntary for receiving communications. Participation opportunities may be limited without the requested details. You can contact Trees In Newcastle on or 4969 1500 to correct any personal information about yourself.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.