Purchasing from Trees In Newcastle Nursery

Our Community Nursery at Belmont North (next to Belmont Wetlands) was established to grow provenance plants onsite from seed and propagation material collected from the local Hunter region. We offer to you a wonderful ever-changing variety of plants that are best suited to this area. The range and quantities of our plants at any time in the nursery will vary enormously, depending on what we have managed to source locally during recent seasons. While we may not always have your old favourite in stock we can guarantee that you will find some unexpected treasures on our shop tables and stocklists.

Here is our current Stock List

The TIN team of experienced staff and volunteers are always on hand to help with planting advice and plant selection.

Our lead time from propagation to viable tubestock can be up to 6 months, so availability of seedlings will vary with the seasons. Plants listed as ‘out of stock’ are generally in production. We cannot just “order plants in”!

Due to extraordinary recent demand please contact the Nursery on 0401305775 if you would like more than 10 of a species to check availability.

For  larger quantities we may be able to grow to order, especially if you have some flexibility in varieties and time frames.

Tubestock are generally $6.00 incl GST unless otherwise specified. All published prices include GST.

PLEASE NOTE shipping or delivery is not available. 

General purchases can be made via the below methods –

1. Emailing the Nursery

Send an email with your order to nursery@treesinnewcastle.org.au. Plants may be picked up at the Nursery next to Belmont Wetlands State Park at 119 Kalaroo Road Redhead.

Our opening hours for plant sales and pickup are Friday from 9.00 am till 1.00pm unless by special arrangement.

2. Purchase at the Nursery

Payment may be by EFTPOS, credit card or cash payment at the Nursery which is open to the public on Friday mornings from 8am to 12 noon. (Some Covid restrictions may apply). Gift Vouchers are available at the Nursery.
By arrangement, payments may also be made by direct deposit to

BSB: 650-000
Account Number: 954285318